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Bowmore 21 Years Aston Martin Masters Selection

This 21-year-old Bowmore offers a balance of sweetness and smoke, with coastal influences.

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Coastal Sweet Smoke

This 21-year-old Bowmore offers a balance of sweetness and smoke, with coastal influences.




700 ml





Amount of bottles






Limited Edition

Bowmore and Aston Martin have a long history of working together. Two top brands that have joined forces. This limited edition single malt whisky is the brainchild of Master Blender Rob Welsch of Bowmore and Marek Reichman, Chief Creative Officer of Aston Martin. Both masters of their own art, but now combined. This whisky seals their partnership and inspires others to do the same. Both brands have challenged each other to the limit for this whisky. This is a collaboration of perfect proportions, the optimal combination of craftsmanship, passion and precision. Taking each Master’s own creativity and character; bring them together harmoniously to create a beautiful, yet powerful balance.

The mathematical Golden Ratio is always the ultimate end point for Aston Martin in the creative process. Every detail in the design process shows this. For Bowmore, proportions determine character and shape-taste combinations; from barrel selection and age to blending. But for the first time, the adoption of the Golden Ratio has inspired the combination of components, each adding its own unique flavors and layers of complexity to the final whisky.
The result is a single malt that stimulates all the senses for optimal enjoyment. But like an Aston Martin, it delivers a very powerful and memorable finish.

A unique collaboration with a unique outcome. This whisky is a reference book of the pursuit of perfection.




Tasting note

This whisky is a feast for the senses. In the nose you will first find sweet and nutty notes with a touch of honey. Then aromas of praline and grilled hazelnuts. A great rich aroma ending in the nose of freshly tanned leather. One of our favourites.
On the taste it is rich sherry, turning into raw Islay peat. Then comes bitter dark chocolate with vanilla and coffee beans. You also end up in the taste with a touch of cherry.
The finish is surprisingly sweet and spicy with hints of oak and spices. We end with a surprising coconut in the throat. An absolute taste cannon, complex and a must-have if you ask us.


The Wealthy Whisky Society is an exclusive community created with the aim of bringing together lovers of high-quality whisky. The raison d’etre of this society comes from the belief that the enjoyment of excellent whisky is not just about the drink itself, but also about the shared experience and connection between like-minded individuals.